


Today’s soliloquy.

I’m negative today.

I’m tired from going out today.

I forgot to update my blog yesterday.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s

What time are we leaving?ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

Which floor would you like to get off at?ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

Let’s start speaking English in the morning!ハチャメチャ英語!


I try new things every day.ハチャメチャ英語!

Did you eat anyting this morning?ハチャメチャ英語!

The sun is strong today.ハチャメチャ英語!

It was cloudy and sometimes sunny today.ハチャメチャ英語!

It was cloudy today.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

What are you eating?ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I do desk work in the morning.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I ate a boiled egg today.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

Tomorrow is a holiday!ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s

I brushed my teeth.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I did fitness in the evening.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I baked bread today.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I have a headache after lunch.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I’m not feeling well.ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

今日は復習してみた。ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

Where is the tissue?ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

I ate a banana. ハチャメチャ英語!Today’s soliloquy.

© 2024 365文

テーマの著者 Anders Norén